So i'm interested at buying a cymbal from a local shop and i'm looking at the bell. It looks a little larger than the other 20 that is in the same shop. I go home and start doing some measuring and here is what i come up with on cymbals that i already own. Dimentions are just appoximate, not sure where bell actually start. Also i didn't measure all of the 20's i have since some of them aren't at my house.
All 20" zildjian A except where noted:
Early 60's sizzle 2070g 4 3/4"-5"
50's 1565g same
Trans-stamp 2155g same
Late 60's 1745g 5 1/2"
80's K crash ride 2210g same
Now i've noticed the bell sizes before but i'm just wondering if the larger ones are crash/rides or is that just a coinsidence that the K c/r has the same size as that thin(1745) 60's.
BTW i'm interested in selling that 1745g and i want to represent it properly. I'm also interested in buying that one at the local shop so if there is a value concern as to whether or not the larger bells are worth less/more let me know
All info is welcomed, Gary