You cymbalholics have already seen this.
Saw an ad on craigslist for a "60s Avedis Zildjian 18 inch" cymbal. The pictures were blurry, but it thought the hammering and stamp indicated a trans stamp.
Photos from ad:
When the guy pulled it out of his car, it was inverted. I popped it back into place without any issues. It was filthy. It had bird poop on it, which was a first for me. Kept out in the garage, I think.
Turned out to be 18.875" trans stamp @1559 grams. Not sure what type of trans stamp it is. Type I, judging by the hammering. I'm hoping someone can chine in on that.
Good stick definition and a warm crash that opens up easily. Sound files later.
The hammering on top reminds me of a first stamp.