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1960'S nORMA DRUMS??


I havn't heard or seen these on the forum yet. Does anyone have any info on them?

Posted on 14 years ago

Ya jnow, they are only worth what one of us is willing to pay. I would snag 'em for hundred.

Orange sparkle is always nice to have around, and a blue floor tom is gonna make someones kit. The cymbals could make the kit a wash, and then You send the shalls to me! That looks like it could be a Ludwig Spur loc 1124 Ringo hihat stand from here....

That snare is a single ply w/rings very deep and warm, woody tone. Very fat sound tuned low, noit so good for a real high tunung, but OK for mid and great for low.

The toma bass are likely three ply, mahogany maybe a little maple in the mix. Those will have a really warm, smokey soun d for smallish rooms. I just got my kit from Kevin, and when I am done restoring it, it will sound fat and warm like those. Mine even came with the original 45+ year old heads. Not a Norma, but look to be similar shells. Those you just can't go wrong with. You shouldn't expect to flip them for much profit, but if you know someone that wants some really cool sounding drums, those will do it for sure. Looks like they have been taken care of so it should not take nuch work. Do look for loose rings and possibly seperating plies. No big deal to repair, as I am going to post a how to soon, probably this weekend in form of a video.

"Ignorance may be overcome through education. Stupidity, however, is a lifelong endeavor." So, educate me, I don't likes bein' ignant...
"I enjoy restoring 60s Japanese "stencil" drums...I can actually afford them..."I rescue the worst of the old valueless drums for disadvantaged Children and gladly accept donations of parts, pieces and orphans, No cockroaches, please...
Posted on 14 years ago

From jonnistix

Ya jnow, they are only worth what one of us is willing to pay. I would snag 'em for hundred. Orange sparkle is always nice to have around, and a blue floor tom is gonna make someones kit. The cymbals could make the kit a wash, and then You send the shalls to me! That looks like it could be a Ludwig Spur loc 1124 Ringo hihat stand from here....That snare is a single ply w/rings very deep and warm, woody tone. Very fat sound tuned low, noit so good for a real high tunung, but OK for mid and great for low.The toma bass are likely three ply, mahogany maybe a little maple in the mix. Those will have a really warm, smokey soun d for smallish rooms. I just got my kit from Kevin, and when I am done restoring it, it will sound fat and warm like those. Mine even came with the original 45+ year old heads. Not a Norma, but look to be similar shells. Those you just can't go wrong with. You shouldn't expect to flip them for much profit, but if you know someone that wants some really cool sounding drums, those will do it for sure. Looks like they have been taken care of so it should not take nuch work. Do look for loose rings and possibly seperating plies. No big deal to repair, as I am going to post a how to soon, probably this weekend in form of a video.

Thanks for all of the great info. I really just want these as a back-up set and I know vintage MIJ drums can sound good for the price. I'm looking forward to your how to video. Cool Dude

Posted on 14 years ago

From jonnistix

That snare is a single ply w/rings very deep and warm, woody tone. Very fat sound tuned low, noit so good for a real high tunung, but OK for mid and great for low.

The CL ad has been deleted so I didn't see the pics, but my gold sparkle Norma snare is a three-ply with re-rings. You're right about the tuning though - it really only sounds good tuned low.


Posted on 14 years ago

It's so hard to tell on these things. I have one that could be anywhere from 1-3. Since it sounds so fat, I just call a single. It could be a 3, but it is so thin, you just can't tell. I wonder if they made some to copy the Kent 2 ply shells? When I say thin, I mean almost like that cardboard used for shirts. IMO, this drum should have crumbled long ago. It sat in someones home, untouched for a very long time. When I got it, the rings where loose. I had to work them back together. In fact, every one of the thin shelled MIJ shells I come across needs attention to the rings and plies at the edges. I am going to do a video series on this type of repair this weekend amd next, if I don't get it all in one.

"Ignorance may be overcome through education. Stupidity, however, is a lifelong endeavor." So, educate me, I don't likes bein' ignant...
"I enjoy restoring 60s Japanese "stencil" drums...I can actually afford them..."I rescue the worst of the old valueless drums for disadvantaged Children and gladly accept donations of parts, pieces and orphans, No cockroaches, please...
Posted on 14 years ago
Posts: 657 Threads: 40

Just thought I'd add a couple pics of the red sparkle Norma snare I've got around. Looks like pretty thin 3 ply with re-rings. Its got no hoops yet, and really should be disassembled and gone over to play right, just haven't had time yet...

Posted on 14 years ago

That shell looks just like my red one. I will do it for you if you don't have time. It's not like I don't already have enough to do Cool Dude....just send it my way, I'll tear it down and do a complete lugs off cleaning. Or, you can watch the vids I am going to put up soon. My son and I are working on them now. We use some seemingly unorthodox methods, but the results speak volumes. Most people cringe at the thought of getting anywhere near a vintage drum with a screw gun, for example, but it is an everyday thing for me. I have yet to strip anything, and it really cuts some of the tear down and reassembly times, which when you look at some of the other time consuming methods I use, makes sense. It is a pain sometimes, but I get amazing results, and my MIJ drums always sound fantastic when they are complete. Look inside the casting of those lugs when you take them off, bet it says "Pearl"...Although I don't recall Pearl using those lugs, they look more like Yamahas....Good luck, and seriously, if you want it done "professionally", I work really cheap. Like, you pay the shipping both directions, and it is done. And maybe send me a few used heads....I really need a 20 and 22 bass batters. Anything is better than the 45 year old ones I have. I keep spending my money on drums, and forget that I need heads.....:D

From cn679

Just thought I'd add a couple pics of the red sparkle Norma snare I've got around. Looks like pretty thin 3 ply with re-rings. Its got no hoops yet, and really should be disassembled and gone over to play right, just haven't had time yet...

"Ignorance may be overcome through education. Stupidity, however, is a lifelong endeavor." So, educate me, I don't likes bein' ignant...
"I enjoy restoring 60s Japanese "stencil" drums...I can actually afford them..."I rescue the worst of the old valueless drums for disadvantaged Children and gladly accept donations of parts, pieces and orphans, No cockroaches, please...
Posted on 14 years ago
Posts: 657 Threads: 40

Jonni, get those vids up!!! I want to know your secrets! However, I try like hell to keep the original wrap intact if at all possible. I'll consider sending you the Norma. (I need to PM you about other things, by the way.)

Posted on 14 years ago

From cn679

Just thought I'd add a couple pics of the red sparkle Norma snare I've got around. Looks like pretty thin 3 ply with re-rings. Its got no hoops yet, and really should be disassembled and gone over to play right, just haven't had time yet...

My snare looks similar but the badge is a rectangle.

Posted on 14 years ago

I have a 4 drum Norma set with 2 cymbals in the red sparkle, in good condition that I would like to sell. Any idea of what it is worth? Got it from someone who has been storing it for years, said it was his 1st set years ago. Going to take pictures. Should the pictures be of the set together, or taken individually. Any particular angles?

Posted on 13 years ago
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