Hello Retrosonic save for a thin layer of new dust, they are just as they were then
I did run into a local guy who had the same exact kit save for the "Noble" badges
His kit has the round, blue, (larger size) Zim Gar badges
also it was my best guess at the time that the drums were built by Hoshino K
but what I have learned since then, is that the more likely builder was Sakae
I sure do love collecting these little center lug kits
I just found this BDP Ralston kit by Star (seller's pic) that is beautifully original.
Retro I just re-read some of the preceding comments on this thread
Here is a fun project that came together by the use of two Pearl made partials mixed together to form one two-tone kit
They are double lug 20" 13"16" w/14"snare