I feel like I read it as Gunshaker has permission based on the fact he said he was the only one who would put the time into the drums. Perhaps his band director gave him permission. I can't imagine walking out of a school with a kit the size of a Blue Note unnoticed.
I would like to know where the high schools of this world are that have Trans badge Ludwig Blue Notes, Acrolites and Supras laying around.
Some can justify taking from a public entity but not stealing a car. Others can justify taking a car but not robbing a liquor store. Everyone must ask themselves: Where is the line?
I sure as hell hope the line isn't at downloading/bootlegging music. LoLoLoLo
The retarded logic that the drums were getting beat up from use doesn't fly. Bet if the kit was a Sears Special he'd have left it where he found it.
Maybe I'm new-fashioned, but stealing isn't cool, and neither is calling people retarded.
All you forum members got to ask yourself : Would you let this snake in your house, around your drum collection?
Probably. I love chatting drums with anyone and everyone who will listen.