Hello Slingerlandfriends,

I just bought a Slingerland basdrum 20x14 inch. The wrap is WMP. The drum has a black and brass oval Chicago badge with a curl in the S which should mean it was build in the fiftees? On each side of the drum there are eight Radio King like claws with Bowtie? T-rods. There is no railconsole on the drum but in stead of that a cymbalholder right in the middle on top of the drum with the inscription Slingerland Chicago U.S.A.

The cymbalholder is a strip wich measures about 10cm with a folded strip in the middle on top of that. To attach a cymbalstand you have to turn a wingbold to open and close the folded strip. The basdrum has four thin legs. There are no datestamps inside of the drum. Did Slingerland built drums in the fiftees that match this discription? Can anyone tell me more about this drum?

Thanks in advance.