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Mounting tom on snare stand?


So you're pretty much gonna get a wet blanket sound no matter what, huh?

The Swivo mounts on my 9/72's are shot, so I've been exprimenting with mounting my rack tom on a snare stand...sounds like crap. grrrr.

Is there some kinda "trick" I'm missing here?

Posted on 14 years ago

I use this method the most and love it and have No problemswith it what so ever with the tone on my toms.

Most people get it wrong, they either have to sever of an angle on the tom or they have the basket cranked tight as dicks hat band on the tom choking any sustain it had.

also you need very good rubber grippers on the basket. also you can place some foam under the basket arms to give a little more padding, the same result that the reso feet from all the various manufacturers have out for floor toms and bass drum feet.

Your drummers not much good is he!? What you need is someone that's as good as me. ! John Henry Bonham !!
Posted on 14 years ago

It also depends how you have your reso head tuned. The lower your tom is tuned, the more the snare stand will affect/kill the sound of your tom. Oh, and watch me start a fire:

Get a RIMS mount for your tom.

1970 Ludwig Downbeat
1965 Ludwig Hollywood
1970 Ludwig Jazzette
Posted on 14 years ago

From caddywumpus

Get a RIMS mount for your tom.

Got one...well, the Gretsch version, with a Gibraltar L-rod ball joint clamp on a cymbal stand. I was just looking to do something independent from the cymbal stand.

Check out the pic-

1 attachment
Posted on 14 years ago

Check out the Pearl S-2000. It's got adjustable arms and really nice claws and can handle 10"-16" diameter drums without wacky arm angles that force the claw on to the shell and dampen the vibration.



No arm angle change between these two...........





Posted on 14 years ago

I've heard good reports about this Gauger product:

In the past I used a 10" tom on a 12" Tama snare stand and it certainly wasn't as resonant as it was when hung off a cymbal stand. But given a loose basket and reasonable angle of tilt is was fine for me. This was a 10/12/16 microkit in Ludwig classic shells with a 13x3 snare. Since sold but I have a pic to remember it by.


Posted on 14 years ago

I have an S 2000 and like it for snare use. It is a heavy stand I find.

I hadn't considered it for tom use, it is set up very well for that purpose. I will have to try it.

Not sure I want to wind up carrying two of them though....



Posted on 14 years ago
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