Hey all,
Haven't been on here n a great while because of touring and moving, but I'm all done with that and excited to see you all again ;)
In the last 3 years I've sold my Orange Mod, Black Panther, SBP, and WFL kits in order to make room and tour the country. Now I'm just down to my tour rig which is a custom built C&C. I've got a buyer coming in to get my C&C on Sunday and am DYING to get me a vintage kit again, as that's where my heart lies.
I've got a lead on a WMP MINT 12/14/20 downbeat kit but am really looking for a green sparkle downbeat or clubdate if I can't find a DB. Serious buyer who knows the market, not looking to spend $650 for a $1500 kit. I am ready to buy a kit that is worth the money. PM if you have either kit. I do not need the snare necessarily if it is a Supra or an acro. Might be interested in a matching snare, but I still have my 40's L&L snare that I love to death.
Thanks yall!