Recently pulled the hideous wrap off a couple of Ludwig Accent CS power toms for cutting down and staining of the [paint grade] birch shells. The wrap was taped at the seam only. Well that made life easy for me, but the vintage Ludwigs and other brands we all know and love had the wrap glued all the way around. That has got to mean something.
From my personal experience, I wrapped a kit with taped seams and shortly thereafter removed it and re-wrapped it gluing the wrap down tight to the shell. Because at no point on the shell do I want to tap it and hear the "thck thck" of a plastic sheet; I want to hear the "tock tock" of the shell itself, reverberating as one entity, bonded and permanent.
On a related note, I can only afford to own one "real" kit, and if it is silver sparkle, I worry that champagne is really cooler...and vice versa! Okay I'm a weirdo but recently I have settled on bare maple shells only - the most honest finish there is, and no questions about wrap affecting resonance. So that's where I'm at ....:)