I completely understand and appreciate playing an old pieced-together kit made of unusual sizes and combinations. It's like that favorite chair that we all have -broken-in in all the right places! ;) And when you pick each drum out because of the way it sounds and plays...and not for the way it looks -or for its collectability, it puts you in a more musical mindset.
I had a beautiful, complete blue sparkle Ludwig Deluxe Classic -B/O badge with no numbers on the badges...I had all the proper Atlas stands and original heads... it was a museum-quality example of that particular configuration. I could look at it all day long.
No matter how I tuned it, it didn't sound good. There wasn't any messed up bearing edges or anything...it just didn't sound good to me. So...I sold it. And, other than knowing I'll never find another one that nice ever again....I really don't regret selling it. Maybe the person I sold it to will find the secret to it.
I often gigged with a Rogers floor tom in a cradle for a bass drum and an Acrolite...and some mixed hardware pieces and clamps.