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What is your favorite vintage hardware?

Posts: 5176 Threads: 188

To be honest, I have a love/hate relationship with my old 1400 Ludwig flat base stands. I LOVE them, now because I play jazz lightly enough to make their use practical. They really fold up tightly and pack easily.

I also loved the early Rogers MemriLoc stands. They were the perfect weight and the memory locks were a game changer for pretty much all hardware that followed them....genius idea!

I also bought a bunch of double braced Tama stuff back in the late 90's.....great if you need hurricane strength stands....but heavy as sin! I don't like heavy stuff anymore,

I really like the old Zickos pivoting the look of them, too.

What are some of your favorite vintage hardware pieces?

"God is dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Posted on 5 years ago

I love ludwig atlas stands all of mine are the swivel feet, Great stuff.

Your drummers not much good is he!? What you need is someone that's as good as me. ! John Henry Bonham !!
Posted on 5 years ago
Posts: 350 Threads: 33

As I get older, lighter, dependable hardware rules the day. For me personally that is the Rogers Swivo era. Single braced, quickly adjustable, light, packs up small and ALL STEEL!!

Still sturdy and dependable after 50+ years.

On a side note, the tail-gate on my Wagon is only 22" off the ground, so that also helps when lifting into the car.

1974-75 Rogers Starlighter IV New England White 13/16/22 (w/Dyna)
1964-67 Rogers Blue Glass Glitter 12/14/16/20
early Oaklawn Camco Blue Moire 12/14/20
1926 Super Ludwig 5x14
1960-ish Ludwig COB 5x14 Super Sensitive
1960-ish Ludwig COB 6.5x14 Super Sensitive
1970 Ludwig COB Cut-Badge 5x14 Supra Phonic

Looking for a Camco Aristocrat SD in Blue Moire!!
Posted on 5 years ago

I've been using two Ludwig flat based stands and a spur lock hi-hat stand for several years. They've held up even during fairly heavy playing at many gigs.

Posted on 5 years ago

Even though I gig with a big ol' set (7 piece) of vintage Stars, all of my hardware is Ludwig 1400 flat base. I also employ a Ludwig Standard hi-hat and W.F.L. flat base snare stands. I cheat a bit too. My snare is a vintage Supra! I love my Stars but, nothing can compare with the Supra. The older I get, the less I want to set up and tear down heavy hardware. The lighter the better.


Just a drummer who loves all things about vintage drums! Nothing more, nothing less.
Posted on 5 years ago

Premier LOKFAST stands..all the way!.....Sonor DeLuxe stands from the 60s look sweet as well,but..SO HARD to find!.At least in USA

"Always make sure your front bottom BD lugs clear the ground!"
Posted on 5 years ago
Posts: 5176 Threads: 188

yeah those Premier stands were cool.

I had a couple Swivo stands, too....I loved them except for that ball-joint tilter. I don't know how many times those things slipped on me back in the days...But the swan neck legs were classy. When the first MemriLoc cymbal stands came out, they made setting up and tearing down SO easy! I wish I still had them. A lot of people HATE the MemriLoc line...but I loved it because it came out at a time I was doing a lot of road gigs and it never failed me. I did have a Supreme bass drum pedal that failed, though....never really liked it, anyway.

Bass drum pedals....Squeak Kings are what I learned on...still feels familiar every time I play one. My old, old (now) friend used to have a Ghost pedal. It felt really good as I remember....but was a headache if you opened it up to work on the springs.

Hi hat stands....Ludwig Atlas have a nice feel.

"God is dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Posted on 5 years ago

When I was a young drummer, I was in awe of Rogers Swiv-o-Matic stuff, because it was so cool looking and futuristic. I still admire it.

Posted on 5 years ago
Posts: 5550 Threads: 576

I’ve been on 60’s Ludwig since the sixtys

April 2nd 1969 scarfed pink champagne holly wood and 65/66 downbeat snare, and , supra same year very minty kit old pies
66/67 downbeat with canister
Super 400 small round knob
1967 super classic obp

once the brass ceases to glitter, and the drum looses its luster, and the stage remains dark, all you have left is the timbre of family.
Posted on 5 years ago

I have been using Jacques Capelle bass drum pedals and high hat stands for a couple of years with both a bebop acoustic kit and Roland V drums. I have been very happy with them. I use the Ludwig cymbal stands that are identical to the 1400 flat base except they have the higher leg position and the little welded stop (I have no idea, model 1401?). The tops of the cymbal stands have tee tops, no messing around with wing nuts. My snare stands are not vintage but they are lightweight models inspired by vintage styles. I particularly like a Tama lightweight version but don't know the model number. I also use a "vintage" small fiber hardware case on wheels that is becoming very hard to find. I used regular fiber trap cases until recently when I realized that I didn't need all the bulk since everything except for the hardware was in a separate case.

Posted on 5 years ago
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