It is a Premier New Era timp-tom. Kind of a low end drum but still a Premier. They show up on Ebay every once and a while. I haven't seen them in any catalogs that are available online. They were probably aimed at the educational market. It's a three ply Mahogany shell with a single Beech re-ring. The square holes in the shell were for legs. I will try to find some pictures.
According to this post from 2013 the New Era drums and hardware were Premier's school/educational offerings.
They made single headed snares, three different size timp-toms, tamborines, hoop drums, Fiberglass Timpani, cowbells, wood blocks, hardware, mallet percussion and other items.
There is a current or at least recent relaunch of the New Era brand that has nothing to do with Premier.
How about posting a good picture of the green sticker on the head?