Looking for appraisal of these, what we have been told, are vintage tympani's from the late 1930's or early 40's. They are in working order but missing the leather pedal strap on one of the drums.
Any ideas?
As they are older the timpani is not quite as developed by today’s standards, 50’s onward , but if pedal is in working order and heads are good , on good day 1500 , on lame day 500....
Don't see them very often, but I have seen them for sale in antique stores and such. Sometimes needing heads, they sit forever at prices around $79. Haven't seen one move, even at that price. I thought they might scrap for more, considering the metal content.
Too bad I am on the other side of the Atlantic, I would love those in the studio. Beautiful!
I bought a pair of 1930's Ludwig timps in perfect working order for $200. Used modern timpani are in much higher demand and command bigger prices. These older (pre-1960) timps are more common than you'd think. You can still find them being used in the lots of schools and universities.
I love old copper tympani drums, and tune-able drums in general.
I have a 25.5 inch 50's Gretsch that was resurrected from the scrap heap. It gets played almost everyday at my place. In fact, I have two drums in my kit that I can change the pitch of on-the-fly, the other is another old school orchestra instrument, a 60's/70's Sonor timp-tom (13 in) that I retrofitted to a heavy duty modern folding base, you adjust the pitch by spinning it like a steering wheel. The Gretsch has had dents pounded out with a ballpeen hammer by a man named Fritz, and one tuner replaced with a head-cover bolt from a 50's Chevy V8 (according to Fritz.) By Rik's prices I paid way too much for it. I don't care...I love that thing, my kids and their friends love to bang on it. It fills the basement with sound, and it is a great way to distract them from climbing behind one of my, please don't touch, drum sets that are also in the basement. I just hand them some big soft mallets...tell them they can't hurt it, they can't resist.
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