I started a WFL thread yesterday and now think these drums could be Walberg & Auge: http://www.vintagedrumforum.com/showthread.php?t=60849
Hopefully some of of you Walberg & Auge connoisseurs can lead me in the right direction! Do any of you own W & A kits with 3 ply Gretsch shells with added rerings? Does anyone have a W & A kit that has silver sealer, not the black interiors. Also, does anybody own one that is drilled for Classic lugs? I'm kind of at at loss....
I messaged the W & A page and they answered: "Thanks for the post! Very interesting drum! The faucet handle t rods appear to be Rogers. The drum could have been modified by W&A but difficult to tell. W&A mostly used Gretsch shells. I haven’t seen a W&A Drum with Ludwig lugs... but you never know. The vent grommet doesn’t appear to W&A."
Thanks for any help!
Andy Stewart aka Funkypoodle