this is ryan's first annual "i have too much crap that i'm sick of tripping over in my room" sale. (i'm working on the title...).
SOLD trixon hihat stand: $55
SOLD camco hi hat stand: $50
SOLD ludwig hi hat stand: $40
SOLD ludwig straight cymbal stand: $50
other ludwig straight cymbal stand: $35
(first of all they are two different styles. also, one is more sturdy then the other(left in last picture). the cheaper one is what seems to be less study(right in last picture). the more expensive one is solid.)
SOLD WFL snare stand: $25
SOLD other WFL snare stand: $20
(again seems to be two different styles. the more expensive one seems to be more sturdy. ironically, the less sturdy one is a lot more shiny.)
ludwig (70s or 80s?) snare stand (black/white sticker badge): $20
SOLD ludwig speed king: $25
some kind of rogers snare stand: $10
(hardly works. probably worth some parts)
some kind of old MIJ bass drum pedal: $5
70s premier snare drum that's hardly worth spitting on looks wise but might actually work if you don't hate it too much: $25
SOLD some kind of old MIJ gretsch copy snare good for parts: $10
some kind of old MIJ bass drum rail mount: $10
some kind of old "camber made in germany" crap hi hats that aren't worth kicking into a mac truck: $5
all this plus whatever the actual shipping is. if the shipping is less then what you give me for shipping then i'll refund you. i do have paypal.
if you are interested in trades i'm looking for gretsch 60s hihat stand and bass drum pedal.