HurtingYep, definitely a disease that requires treatment:
Symptoms include;
-lack of $$
-inability to focus on more than one restoration project at a time
-a deep love of primordial tone, particularly bass tones
-lack of $$
-dry skin, particularly on the finger-tips from excessive use of chrome polishes or 0000 steel wool.
-big smiles on the face of victims when tempted to succumb to Sonor's siren song.
-complete lack of $$
-disdain for most asian knock-offs
-obsessive trolling on ebay/Craig's list for "vinta..........
-the numbers 12,13,14,16,20,22 continually revolving in the thought processes, obscurring reason and logic
-Using Money Mart for pay advances to buy vintage drum stuff because of complete lack of $$
-Please add symptoms as you identify them...
"Help, I just found a 1963 ------- on ebay and may bid on...