Hi all
I have several great vintage drum kits that I purchased about 15 years ago - Gretsch Progressive Jazz, Ludwig Hollywood Keystone, Rogers Dayton Top Hat, etc.
I've been away from the market for many years as I just didn't need to sell or purchase anything.
I decided recently to "thin the herd" and post some of the kits on ebay and CL in LA with prices that were very reasonable when they were purchased - no takers, no inquiries, no offers, few lookers, no interest.
I got one call from a musician in LA who said that the local music industry has collapsed, there is no money for vintage drums and that the vintage drum market collapsed about 9 years ago with the economy and hasn't recovered.
Mostly what I seem to be seeing on ebay is singles offered from kits that are apparently being broken up.
Obviously, if there are no takers, the pricing must be too high. I am not desperate to sell but am flummoxed by the total lack of interest.
Could you please give me some insight into current market conditions compared to the market 10 - 15 years ago.