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Vintage Camco 5000 Bass Drum Pedal


I just wanted to show the pedal I got with the George Hayman drums. It has the leather pad instead of the hinge which camco did as an option. Ive included two pics from the camco catalogue. I must admit soon as I got it home this bloody pedal is a speed machine. I'm not kidding I thought it would be absolutey slow and sluggish. I can see why DW carried on the design obviously more modern but still similar. I think this pedal is a keeper I absolutely love it. Give me your thoughts on this pedal....Sean

Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 1880 Threads: 292

Wow. That pedal is almost mint. The only problem with those old model strap pedals is that they won't last long. The leather has already been worked in and is probably weakened. The good news however, is you can always buy the current nylon strap DW offers and it'll be a perfect fit. ;)

Posted on 6 years ago

Here are some more great pics of this brill pedal.

Posted on 6 years ago

Here are the last two pics shame I couldn't put the lot on one message.

Posted on 6 years ago

Human71 I agree about replacing the strap but this is the original leather strap and heel leather from the early 60's. Probably a little stretched but not much don't think this is gonna give way at all. Its built like a tank. One thing I notice with USA pedals from this era the leather is strong and thick even on rogers ive had original lether straps. I'm a hard hitter and have already put it through its paces. I wont be selling this little beast its staying with me and I know the last drummer used this all through the early 60's till the 90's. Now its back on the road as I'm gonna use it. I will take your advice and probably get a new strap but ill definitely keep the original one.

Posted on 6 years ago

I've had good luck using nylon dog collars as replacement straps for various pedals that use straps, or even chain drive systems. They're pretty inexpensive, easy to get, and available in various sizes that can be easily modified to fit. You could also use leather ones, but for me, the nylon ones are more flexible, and don't stretch.

Posted on 6 years ago
Posts: 2010 Threads: 19

I don't have a Camco version but do own 3-4 of the Gretsch Floating actions which Camco made for Gretsch and which are the same pedal with a different footboard. I love the feel of them although I generally use a DW 5000 with a strap for gigs. It's essentially a beefed up version of the same pedal. Many parts will interchange including the strap cam. I have converted a couple of chain drive DW's to strap drive by replacing the sprocket cams with strap cams taken off old wrecked FA pedals. The rear hinge assemblies also will interchange and almost any old FA or Camco pedal will be helped by replacing the hinge at the back with a new DW unit (including the fancy red one). Although that leather hinge idea has me intrigued. I know that was a feature of the old Caroline pedals that are highly thought of but did not know about the use of such a hinge on the Camcos.

Posted on 6 years ago

I went through the camco brochures and found the camco pedal parts. I included a pic of this at the start. Look at part 502L meaning leather hinge and 502M meaning metal hinge. It was an option to go with leather or metal. I'm keeping the pedal as is. The reason being its been like this since the early 60's and the feel and smoothness is amazing. Like you ive used allsorts as replacement straps. Even dog collars have worked. Thanks for your interest. The only other pedal ive seen like this is the Tama version. I think this will stay with my personal collection.

Posted on 6 years ago

I’ve got one just like that, probably paid too much for it but I’m glad I did, cause now it’s all I ever use. It has a very natural and effortless feel to it. The more common chain Camco is almost as good, but this is so smooooth and responsive.

Posted on 6 years ago

Sweets I agree with you. The chain driven one I think was Tama's Camco. But I'm not very familiar to who bought what. I know DW basically replicated this pedal as the 5000. This pedal is the 5000 de luxe and for the short time ive owned it have decided it aint being sold. I'm not a collector my gear is minimal but as a restorer I bring drums and hardware back to original spec and sell them. Glad you like your pedal. Camco in my opinion seemed to lead the way every other manufacturer seems to have copied this design. I'm glad I have one of the original pedals. Wish I could have the full camco drum kit to match hahahahaha one day.....sean

Posted on 6 years ago
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