Hi guys,
I've been restoring an old Classic kit over the past few months that were seemingly cannibalized years back. I got the shells, sans most of the hardware, for dirt cheap and have been buying parts as I see them pop up. Thankfully, they're in great shape, but someone took off the badges long ago...
I was originally planning to keep this kit for my studio, but I'm REALLY enjoying my Yamahas and I don't really have the space for both at the moment... I had originally not planned on buying any badges for the set, as $20-35 a piece for a part that in no way affects the sound or usability is a little silly. However, now that I'm considering selling them, I'm curious to how much not having those badges is going to affect the value of it?
Mostly, my dillemma is that I don't want to misrepresent the kit in anyway. Obviously, I'd be upfront about the badges being replacements, but will most buyers be turned off by this? What options do I have?