Good info and it was passed onto the person handling this. We were not having any issues until a month ago and things were running fine. We are on a virtual server with pretty decent specs. I will look into that as well.
The times it was the slowest, I was getting 2000 guests. Which is way inflated and I do believe was causing the issues. As soon as that dropped down to 400 guests, things were back to normal.
We are flipping the site into maintenance to do some behind the scenes things, but not sure if that is what you were getting. A splash screen should appear in that case.
We are still working on streamlining things. When we had the old site, we were not getting indexed very much with Google because it was not responsive. After the changes we increased our Google links and traffic and probably part of the issue.
There is an option, but financially it would be a step out of my comfort zone.
Funny, I do a similar thing and after I type this, I CTRL C :)
Thanks again