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The big im sorry thread


You don't need to say you're sorry to anyone, especially if it's the person that opened their mouth a bit too much on your thread regarding the cymbals. I've been watching that person and their comments on your cymbal post were uncalled for. That person is being sarcastic and smug towards you individually and that's just not cool. I just think they are jealous of the great find, and me personally, I would keep what I wanted and sell the rest, for a profit to boot.

I got your back....

Its better to have people think you're an idiot, than to open your mouth and prove them wrong, unless you doubt yourself then speak away....
Posted on 15 years ago
Posts: 3972 Threads: 180

Soap Box

While I agree with BackBeatKeeper in that you don't need to apologize...

I disagree with the comments made about other users. We are very different people where money and ethics are concerned. I believe that was pointed out clearly in that incredible thread "Theoretically speaking....." started by Jaye. (my gut tells me that was the purpose of that thread)

We will disagree. No doubts. If one mentions an ethical "speed bump" in one of these posts, another member will dispute that there is no wrongdoing. That's the way it works. We all have differing views. One's ethical boundaries may not align with another's. That's ok.

But, the problems arise when we become passionate about those boundaries. I have been guilty of that (more than once). In fact, I have been guilty of that with this particular user about said cymbals. I vehemently disagree with how this went down. I stated very passionately my stance. BUT...I realized how wrong I was in my words and I have apologized to this user and have been in communication with my FATHER about my failure.

I don't believe anyone has done anything wrong within these threads. We are an emotional lot. We are passionate. One man's limits are another man's midline. I will work on me knowing full well that I can't fix anyone else. I would definitely suggest we remember who and what we are. Be true to yourself. aware that someone will step on you. It's going to happen. When it with it and get over it.

We are drummers on a forum that allows us to have incredible conversations about that which is near and dear to our hearts. We will fight and squabble. But in the end, we are still drummers talking about what we love.


Posted on 15 years ago

From mcjnic

Soap BoxWhile I agree with BackBeatKeeper in that you don't need to apologize...I disagree with the comments made about other users. We are very different people where money and ethics are concerned. I believe that was pointed out clearly in that incredible thread "Theoretically speaking....." started by Jaye. (my gut tells me that was the purpose of that thread)We will disagree. No doubts. If one mentions an ethical "speed bump" in one of these posts, another member will dispute that there is no wrongdoing. That's the way it works. We all have differing views. One's ethical boundaries may not align with another's. That's ok. But, the problems arise when we become passionate about those boundaries. I have been guilty of that (more than once). In fact, I have been guilty of that with this particular user about said cymbals. I vehemently disagree with how this went down. I stated very passionately my stance. BUT...I realized how wrong I was in my words and I have apologized to this user and have been in communication with my FATHER about my failure.I don't believe anyone has done anything wrong within these threads. We are an emotional lot. We are passionate. One man's limits are another man's midline. I will work on me knowing full well that I can't fix anyone else. I would definitely suggest we remember who and what we are. Be true to yourself. aware that someone will step on you. It's going to happen. When it with it and get over it. We are drummers on a forum that allows us to have incredible conversations about that which is near and dear to our hearts. We will fight and squabble. But in the end, we are still drummers talking about what we love.flower

wise Words! :)

Rogers wmp Powertone Fullertone california 1969/70. 24x14 bassdrum
13x9 tom
16x16 floor tom

Ludwig supraphonic stamped 15may 1967.

paiste 2002 Black label 1973 mod 16" crash
Paiste 2002 Black label 1980 mod 16" crash
Paiste 2002 Black label 1975 mod 18" medium
Paiste 2002 black label 1975 mod sound edge 14" Hi hats
Paiste sound formula "ghost logo" 18" Full crash
Avedis 1965 mod Ride 22"
Posted on 15 years ago
Posts: 2628 Threads: 40

From backbeatkeeper

Jaye, Being a member of this Forum for a little over two years, I admit to being in awe of how many posts you like to comment on. You have over 2 times as many as I have in less than a year! Holy crap, you've got diarrhea of the computer. Quit your bellyaching, and stop being so smarmy to someone who is just asking questions. As my dad says, It's better to have people think you're a fool, than to open your mouth (or type on your computer) and prove them right. You sir, are being a fool with this subject. You know, you can keep your opinions to yourself once in a really do irritate me with your online persona. Go sit in the corner and be a good boy...

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Wow BB...where did you come up with those semantics ...sixth grade ?

Apologies to the rest of the members for the following digression...

BB... stop wasting forum space with personal attacks on members you don't happen to agree with. You have an issue with me ? PM me....don't air your aggression on someone else's thread.

Sorry that some folks here just happen to feel that the way you act, and treat others... reflects on the person you are. I know it's a difficult concept for some to wrap their minds around....

I explained the point of my comment...twice. Not a personal attack..a completely valid question (which has still gone completely unanswered, BTW).

If you still fail to understand my us both (and the rest of the members here) a favor... spare us outbursts such as the above...and utilize the 'ignore list' feature (you have just inspired ME to do so).

That way you can stop wasting my time. Or... if you are going to... at least do it with some element of class...humor...intelligence.....or irony...instead of just a rabid, ill-composed broadsides...OK ?

End of digression... back to the topic....

Posted on 15 years ago

If both parties are happy with the money transfered then where's the wrong doing? As the old addage man's trash is another man's treasure. Value is only perceived as such if you can actually get someone to pay those rediculous prices. It may be old, it may be rare, but if it doesn't sound good, then where is the perceived value for thousands? All you'd be buying is an old historical, expensive trash can lid then. I keep saying this over and over and nobody here seems to understand this. Just because its old doesn't make it worth anything if it doesn't sound good! The market is in the dumper right now, so good luck in trying to get what you think you can get for it. IMO I think you'll probably break even, maybe a little more but not a lot more.

The person you bought them from is happy with what he got and you got the cymbals so you are happy I'm assuming. Enough of this and the whole "you screwed an elderly person out of his treasure" garbage! He can't take it with him and neither can you......nuff said!

Posted on 15 years ago

From Jaye

[COLOR="DarkRed"]So, just if I 'purchased' all of these PLUS the 20" K old-stamp ride for $784 usd. Those 5 cymbals for $784, when the 20" alone is worth $1200-1500.....You 'purchased' them by making a very lowball offer to an elderly friend of the family who's mental faculties are slipping, you readily admitted. You made such a low offer after you had come here and gotten feedback on the true value of the cymbals. All of this I recall, if I am not mistaken...?So, you see, I ask because...I am just trying to your mind...what's the "good price" you would like to get for these 4 you are now trying to turn around so quickly ?????Just curious....[/COLOR]

Dude, I think this statement is a little uncalled for. Both parties were satisfied with the money that changed hands, so where's the wrong doing? Besides, value of these is only perceived as thousands IF he can actually get those prices. You've gotta get some fool to pay that much for them to be worth that much, don't you?

Posted on 15 years ago

From Jaye

[COLOR="DarkRed"]Actually...the whole thing's pretty transparent; not much debate to be had on it.Questions are totally fair, considering the manner in which someone has thus far transacted on them.... am still wondering, in the seller's mind..what, exactly, is the definition of "if I get a good price for these, I will sell them"....?Just judging from actions past....that definition seems quite the moving target....[/COLOR]

Its called CAPITALISM. Now can we please move on???!!!???

Posted on 15 years ago
Posts: 3972 Threads: 180

From Ludwig-dude

Just because its old doesn't make it worth anything if it doesn't sound good!

Amen Luddyguy. I've had numerous old discs that stank up the place. I just got a complete set of early 70's Zildjian discs that were purchased new with a kit way back when. I played them and hated the sound. Another gent on this very forum purchased them from me (cheaply) and is enjoying them. I too, have said this...good drum and cymbal sounds are subjective. That was a thread I started a while back; who makes the perfect drum, sort of thing. For every builder, there is a buyer. For every drummer, there is a perfect sound. Thank GOD, we have different 'ears'. Can you imagine what jazz would have been like if they all wanted the same sounding cymbal? icky icky icky.

Posted on 15 years ago

From mcjnic

Amen Luddyguy. I've had numerous old discs that stank up the place. I just got a complete set of early 70's Zildjian discs that were purchased new with a kit way back when. I played them and hated the sound. Another gent on this very forum purchased them from me (cheaply) and is enjoying them. I too, have said this...good drum and cymbal sounds are subjective. That was a thread I started a while back; who makes the perfect drum, sort of thing. For every builder, there is a buyer. For every drummer, there is a perfect sound. Thank GOD, we have different 'ears'. Can you imagine what jazz would have been like if they all wanted the same sounding cymbal? icky icky icky.

Ya, they'd all be playing Paiste 2002s! LOL!!

Posted on 15 years ago

[QUOTE=Jaye;28047][COLOR="DarkRed"]Wow BB...where did you come up with those semantics ...sixth grade ?

Apologies to the rest of the members for the following digression...

BB... stop wasting forum space with personal attacks on members you don't happen to agree with. You have an issue with me ? PM me....don't air your aggression on someone else's thread.

Sorry that some folks here just happen to feel that the way you act, and treat others... reflects on the person you are. I know it's a difficult concept for some to wrap their minds around....

I explained the point of my comment...twice. Not a personal attack..a completely valid question (which has still gone completely unanswered, BTW).

If you still fail to understand my us both (and the rest of the members here) a favor... spare us outbursts such as the above...and utilize the 'ignore list' feature (you have just inspired ME to do so).

That way you can stop wasting my time. Or... if you are going to... at least do it with some element of class...humor...intelligence.....or irony...instead of just a rabid, ill-composed broadsides...OK ?

End of digression... back to the topic....


First and foremost, let me say that there are members here that have been here for a while, and DONATE to this forum financially to keep it going, I am one of those, because of the fact that there is some very cool people here and we like it that way. I don't see a Donor next to your name, so if you are going to use this forum to call out people on what they do with something they bought, then I suggest you keep your comments to yourself and DONATE.

Secondly, even a person with a junior high school diploma could sense the sarcastic tone implied on your posts. Semantics sixth grade? Okay, I used that term to be nice, because I don't need to swear and I needed to get to your level so you could understand. Is that enough humor, element-of class, intelligence and level of irony for you?

You sir, can do all that you desire on this forum, unfortunately for some of us, but I will digress from further discussion on this matter, as I have spoke my peace. I will leave you with this, however, I will call ANYONE out, not just you and I have, simply because of who I am, and I do strongly suggest since you have posted so much to this forum, that you reach in your wallet and DONATE.

Webmaster and any other moderators have nothing to do with what I say, type or rant about. Just a passionate person.....

Its better to have people think you're an idiot, than to open your mouth and prove them wrong, unless you doubt yourself then speak away....
Posted on 15 years ago
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