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Terms of Service?


Is there a Terms of Service  link on this site? I have looked and can't find one.  

The reason I ask, is I noticed the Terms and rules on one of the other two big drum discussion boards has some rather broad "granting unrestricted free license to use in any way we see fit" anything you post on their site. It has some really specific definititions like scripts, ideas, songs and lyrics, ect., ect. The other big site, which runs the same forum software has the same Terms and rules, but appears to just be the stock one that came with the software, and is much less specific, although you still are granting them a free license to anything you post. 

I also discovered that the first site is now owned by a company that owns a bunch of other discussion boards.  I personally find all of this disturbing. Especially in this day of people selling your data to Generative AI companies for profit. Not saying that's what's going on there, but it does concern me.

In the past Tommy has expressed concern over members of this site submitting content for the Vintage Drum Guide, over just such issues of copyright. Basically because he doesn't want to infringe on our copyrights which I greatly appriciate. 

So I thought I would check out VDF's Terms of Service and for the life of me, I can't find it. 

Posted on 2 months ago
There are no Terms of Service on this new forum platform, because we had not even thought about it.  There were so many logs-on-the-fire when we were going through the process, it never crossed our minds. This new platform was built for our situation at the time, a Terms of Service was never anything we discussed when the site was fixed. 
There probably was a "stock" one as you mention on our original forum that came with the old Vbulletin software.
I have to look into this because the VDF is not a corporation, LLC or a sole proprietorship. It is not a structured business in that sense. The "organization" is really just myself and TommyP handling the posts.
We do not generate revenue or sell add space to cover the expenses. Generally speaking it is solely funded by me.   The mission has always been to have a resting place for preserving the history.  
I can say the user data and the forum data has ever been sold or transmitted to any third party for monetary gain or non-monetary gain for that matter.  The programmers did have access to the data, but there was a contract I signed for them to do the work.
Sadly though, after the switch from Vbulletin to this new platform we lost a lot of traffic due to all of the delays in making the change.  There were way more hurdles to the process which we had to overcome and that did damage the membership..  
Initially I never wanted the site to be a hang out for guys just to banter and discuss off the wall topics.  That usually ends up with a core group slowly taking over the forum and dictating content and policing new members. The issues really start when a forum adds more and more moderators to the point where alliances are built and when one group of mods does something another group of mods does not like, then the forum breaks apart and usually splinters into one group creating another forum.  In retrospect, that is how this forum and DFO started, but it was technically not a fight between members, but there was so much hatred going on, and the preson in control owned a brick-and-mortar business which caused a lot of personal conflict in the industry, he decided just to shut the forum down.  I saw a need to document the history and create a resource for future generations to learn from and hopefully catch the collecting bug and why I started the VDF.
Those days may be over for forums in general, but there are still huge forums not in the vintage drum sphere that are run like a real business because money is the driving factor.
I always wanted it to be a "question and answer" database for the history.  That was the original slogan "Ask a question get an answer"
The question then becomes as you mention if the data could be offloaded to the highest bidder for an AI system.  Data is big money!  Everyone thinks Tesla is a car company, which they are, but they are really a data harvester for everything those cars encounter and what their users do!  They are creating a road map of the world, much like Google.  Most big companies are the same.  It is the data that has value and companies will pay big money to get it.
I would think our data is low on the totem pole in regards to having much value.  Users input limited personal information to create an account and the data being created is very specific to a small part of the population.  It is however valuable to the person looking to ID a vintage drum!
I have no problem adding a Terms of Service, but just pasting a stock version would just be as you mention.
I would like to get some input if I'm not seeing this correctly or missing the point entirely.  I can never just answer the question with a simple answer because my mind goes into a variety of directions and I tend to ramble on and over explain things.
Oh yeah, the only reason I mention the forum splits is because that is when the data is most vulnerable and we are not structured like that for a reason.  It is also my memory of the past forum situation. Others might have been more involved and see that previous situation another way.








Posted on 2 months ago

Thank you for your time in maitaining this. I visit every week. I do wish there were "Like" buttons and similar features. 

Posted on 2 months ago

A fine post/reply indeed David! Very well explained. I check in A LOT ... but it is a little more difficult than the old VBulletin in that it never holds my log in, so I always have to log in every time I visit. Not a complaint per se, but annoying. With that said though .. AGREED! .. the change over did indeed cost membership and participation .. but .. I also think that's just the changing habits of forums in general. As your original conception of a massive drum/drums history database though ... SUPERB! 😎👍🏻


Posted on 2 months ago

You see, I'd like to hit a "Like" button to indicate agreement and to show that somebody out here is reading the information. But no. We can post without ever knowing if somebody benefitted from the information, so we never know if our efforts were worth the time.

Posted on 2 months ago

Rick! Gotta agree on the Like button. It serves many purposes, such as the one you have made mention of here. With that said, don't know if this particular software/program has that function .. but .. David will no doubt see this post and will know I'm sure. 😎

Posted on 2 months ago



Posted on 2 months ago

Thanks David. I don't want to make more work for you, just wanted to see if there was one. I have gotten the impression over the years that this is exactly as you say, a place to database all of this collective knowledge. And, I have never gotten any sense that you laid any claim on the knowledge that we post here. I post any info freely here, because I want to share what I know with others and don't feel like you have any intention of trying to profit from my knowledge.   

As far as data of value, it wouldn't be personal info, it would be everything we have posted about vintage drums. If you go to ChatGPT and ask it a question, the only way it knows anything is by having scoured the internet for data.  If you ask it "what kind of metal is a Supraphonic made from?", it doesn't know unless it "borrowed" that information from outside sources such as social media, discussion boards and other online sources. There is a buisness model for selling information to these AI companies for profit. Twitter just enacted a similar clause into its terms of service, granting it full license to anything you post there, and guess what, the owner of twitter also owns an AI company, so he is going to use all Twitter users posts to add to the knowledgebase of his AI platform, all free of charge, but very much for profit for his AI company.

Like I said in my original post, I have no evidence that the sites I visited have anything like this in mind, but a full, unrevokable license to do anything with what I post there, seems wrong. So I will continue to post here, because even without a terms of service, I know you don't plan on using anything I post for you own personal gain.

On the topic of a Like button, on other sites with a lot of traffic, I'm not a fan. It can result in people "posting for likes", which can encourage trolling behaviour. This site unfortunately doesn't have nearly the traffic it once did, and pretty much anything posted is on the topic of vintage drums, so I don't see much harm in it. 

This site has by far, the best and most accurate information on the topic of vintage drums, so I will continue to post anything that I feel may be a benefit to the vintage drum community.


Posted on 1 month ago



Posted on 1 month ago
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