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Tempo Drums

Posts: 1432 Threads: 111

I paid (converted) $ 65 for a set with nearly the same configuration: 20-13-16 plus matching 14" snare drum. No additional 2nd floor tom, missing hoops on the reso side of three shells, but with matching pedal and hihat.


Vintage STAR (= Pre-Tama) website:
Posted on 13 years ago
Posts: 1432 Threads: 111


If you could find and place those pics here: that would be great!


Vintage STAR (= Pre-Tama) website:
Posted on 13 years ago

Wow, not 24 hours after responding to this post, check out what I found at a garage sale...

[Attachment: 32676]

I guess you learn something new every day. I certainly just did.

And Ralf, I'll find you that picture. I've been home in the past 2 days exactly long enough to shower and drop off my drum equipment :).

1 attachments
Revival Drum Shop
Posted on 13 years ago
Posts: 1432 Threads: 111

A Pearl's one (again :) ) ...

This type of a centre lug was never used by Star's.


Vintage STAR (= Pre-Tama) website:
Posted on 13 years ago

Wow....the drums may be crap but I LOVE that "Tempo" badge with the drumsticks crossing the "T"...pure 60s!!

Posted on 13 years ago

I just returned from a trip to Mississauga where I bought my latest acquisition: mid-sixties Tempo Drums. The bass claws and t-rods are identical to my Supremes ( a stencil of Star). So is the tom mount. Rims? Identical. Lugs? Yep. Same. I had to replace the strainer arm because the Tempos lacked one on the snare. The Star strainer on an old snare was identical. The badge is certainly Star. These drums are pristine! The wrap is perfect and the rims are beautiful. They come with reinforcing rims as well. There is no question . Ralf and I were right on this call. These drums are STARS 100%!!!

Thanks everyone for your input. As usual, I appreciate everything.


Just a drummer who loves all things about vintage drums! Nothing more, nothing less.
Posted on 13 years ago

It depends on era whether or not they are Star or Pearl, guys. After the mid 70s, the "transition" era was done for all of the SLMC, Brooklyn Music, the guys in San Antonio...Mikeys' buddy Mr. Cooper...It was a HUGE conglomer-freakin-ation. Some of you guys just are not getting what happened. It was the mid 70s, the world was getting "closer", we had world-wide organizations joining hands and singing "Cum-Ba-Yah" not knowing what was going to happen in the next 20 years and low and behold, we let Corporate America, Inc. take over our lives.

So let it be a lesson to you....don't allow CA, Inc. get in your pocket. If they already's your own fault. Get rid of them. Sell all of your stocks and invest in SILVER, not gold. Our life, as we know it, is coming to an end and there is nothing we, the sheeple, can do to stop it.

"Ignorance may be overcome through education. Stupidity, however, is a lifelong endeavor." So, educate me, I don't likes bein' ignant...
"I enjoy restoring 60s Japanese "stencil" drums...I can actually afford them..."I rescue the worst of the old valueless drums for disadvantaged Children and gladly accept donations of parts, pieces and orphans, No cockroaches, please...
Posted on 13 years ago


Ye are of little faith!!!!

Drink this Kool Aid and you'll be fine!

And I swear you're hallucinating the black helicopters!!!!!!!!

Yeah- I'm THAT guy!!!

Dead dogs like rusty fire hydrants!!!
Posted on 13 years ago


From what the seller told me regarding the date of the drums and from a picture of the tom mount from a 1966 Star catalog, I still maintain that these are Stars. The drums are not from the 70's, the era to which you refer.

Just a drummer who loves all things about vintage drums! Nothing more, nothing less.
Posted on 13 years ago

I'm getting closer and closer to identifying my first kit my Dad got me in 1968. They are "TEMPO PRO". I've never seen "Tempo" on a badge before this site. I have seen "Tempro" which is an early stencil made by Pearl and much more common. Many of the Japanese kits made by Pearl made their way here under many different badges. I seem to be the only one with the "Tempo Pro" Badge and the kit is a Tiger's Eye Wrap. Sometimes referred to as Root Beer Swirl. The closest I've seen is the Whitehall Kit made by Pearl. So, I would suggest that the order of appearance is like this:

Tempo (early 60's, possibly late 50's)

Tempo Pro (Higher quality Tempo, early 60's)

Tempro (mid 60's)

Whitehall (mid 60's)

Pearl (mid 50's to forever)

I cannot confirm these timeframes from I think I am close. Can anyone assist?

Tama was also being stenciled along with the early Pearl experiments.

If anyone is interested, I could post an Image of the "Tempo Pro" Badge.

I thought I was going nuts since I could never find a stich of information on Tempo Pro's


Posted on 11 years ago
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