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Tama Superstar Snare


Been a loooooooooooooooong time since i posted here, but my lovely wife gifted me a bucket list snare for Christmas and I'd love to get some info on it. It's a 6.5x14 Tama Superstar mahogany. I believe it's a late 70s / early 80's model. It has re-rings.

So , if anyone can give me some more in-depth info on this, I'd really appreciate it.










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Posted on 2 months ago

Nice drum. It's a late 70's No. 9676 Superstar in either Natural Walnut or Custom Mahogany finish depending on when it was made. They were available in Natural Maple or Natural Walnut in the '77 catalog and Natural Maple and Custom Mahogany finish in the '78 catalog but the shells were Birch in either case. I suspect the Walnut and Mahogany finish was the same, they just changed the name, but I don't know that for sure. These were matt finish which is what yours appears to be. The shell is Birch with Birch ply re rings.  Not a very common drum as Tama was just starting to make professional level drums. It appears to have all of its original parts and is in great shape.


Pages 16 and 17 show your drum.

In the '79 catalog they started calling the finish Super Mahogany and was a gloss finish. Not sure if the shells still had rerings at this point or there was a transition during the year. 

In the '80  catalog they show shells with no rerings so they were gone by '80.

Posted on 2 months ago
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