I found another source for the squawk in the SK.The toe that has the pin that connects the footboard. The hole has went egg shape and the action went loose as a goose. I drilled out the hole and had to go the hardware store to find the best screw to use instead of the pin.I will try it out Tuesday.But so far no squeak and the action is pretty good.
also I got a compliment Thursday after my gig,helping a guitar player/singer. She said."you are the best drummer I have ever HEARD" Most drummers are really loud and you play softly"After 15 years of playing old songs ,in non-amplified bands I had to mellow out.I would get the "evil-eye" from Joe or Vince to tone it down.Now I have a hard time kickin out the jams ,,,when I need to.But it was a nice compliment regardless...V