Backbeatkeeper, I have also expierienced seperation of the reinforcement rings on my 51' radio king. That projects on the back burner for now though. Please tell me if you find anything that works well. I forgot to meantion that my radio king is a bass drum though. 24x14.Thanksharrison
I found the cure!!! Use and old syringe or new one filled with wood glue and start at the smallest part of the seperation and fill it with glue, I used a standard C-clamp and had some small flat pieces of 1/4 inch hardwood sandwiched between the clamp and the drum and clamped it after I glued it and just kept working towards the larger part of the sepereation. After a day and a half, the seperation is tight enough to use my secret weapon for filling the small hole. Be warned, you may hear a little cracking in the wood when you tighten the clamp, go slowly!!! By the way Harrison, you never got back to me on that WFL tom, email me if your still interested.