I’ve got a pair of Slingerland 9x13 toms for trade or sale.

The first tom (right side in all pics) features its original Stick-Saver rims, Sound King lugs, Set-O-Matic mount, and Black & Silver Niles Badge with Serial Number 143426. The interior 3-ply shell is stamped with a black "M" and has wooden reinforcement rings. Although the drum is factory-drilled for a tone control the tone control is missing. The rims show some scuffs and surface rust. The batter side head is a well worn REMO Weather King Coated Ambassador. Bottom side head is a very worn REMO Weather King pinstripe. I believe that the prior owner treated the exterior shell with something since it appears somewhat darker than most original all natural maple shells that I’ve seen.

I believe that one of the two rims on the second tom (left side in all pics) is an original Stick-Saver. The other one could also be, but I’m not sure. The drum features original Sound King lugs, a Set-O-Matic mount, a Slingerland 60s style tone control and Black & Silver Niles Badge with Serial Number 176499. The grommet appears to have been tampered with when viewed from the interior shell so the badge may not be original to the drum. No hole was drilled into the shell to accept a tom arm through the Set-O-Matic Mount, as you can see in the pics that I’ve posted. Batter side head is an EVANS clear Genera G2 in really nice shape while the bottom side head is an EVANS clear Genera G1, also in nice condition. The finish on this tom is darker than that on the first. It almost looks like a light chestnut finish. However, whoever finished the exterior shell did a very nice job on it. Interior shell also has a faded "P" stamped on it.

I’d be willing to trade these two rack toms for a complete 50s or 60s Slingerland floor tom. Whether it’s got a wrap on it or not wouldn’t matter. OR, I’m willing to listen to offers for both rack toms. If you've got any interest at all, please feel free to drop me a PM. Thanks!