so, I managed to have more photos. On a tom there is the number 3118. From the photos what do you think? the restoration / recovery work seems to me a lot, especially on the bassdrum. I do not think the snare is Slingerland ... or am I wrong?
Slingerland ??
other photos ... but the snare is Slingerland ... I do not think so.
Snare is absolutely NOT Slingerland. Bass shows some moisture damage and at least one tom hoop is not original. Lower price accordingly. Serial makes sense.
Yes, that bass drum definitely shows moisture damage! So, no floor tom? How much are they wanting for the kit? Where are you located? For myself, I just see too much work to consider paying more than $300 for this incomplete kit. Just my opinion.
With the shipping I should take it for 250/300 euros.
This could be a nice set, a lot of work and a lot of repair. I think it it were mine, I would hold on to it, and do the work, it would bring double what it's worth now, if you have the time and patience. Good luck, Bucky
serial tom 3118 tom 3443 BD 3469
Personally, I would pass.
Aside from the issues mentioned, if your desire is to complete the outfit, finding a floor tom to match the fade on the bass and ride tom could be very difficult.
Had an idea, rewrap and use as a beater...better than trying to do all the work , time, and money to restore. Just an idea. Bucky
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