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Slingerland Re-wrap opinions


Tom I would not re-wrap them at all

the three shells outwardly look very well matched to me

work on the adhesive residue as drumfx has suggested and go with the wood look

maximize your resale by minimizing your expense.

I was faced with almost the same choice on a very similar kit.

these three sixties era Slings in aged white marine pearl were all born together and ordered with the same Rogers mounts on the 20" and 12" With a 16" floor tom in my case.

But somewhere in the career of these drums, the owner saw the need to add an additional and non-original mij mount to top of the bass drum.. I removed that mount initially, got one look at the carnage it revealed, and quickly re-installed the mij mount to the drum. My options were few,

I got the kit at a very low cost. and had some room to invest,

but no matter what I decided to try and do, there was really nothing to gain so aside from cleaning I did nothing more.

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Posted on 3 years ago

Thanks everyone. I knew I came to the right place! There is so much knowledge here.

I am only in the thinking and making decisions process right know.

Either way my main issue right now is not being experienced at getting the remaining glue off without ruining the outer mahogany ply. I will do a search here to learn.

I am really not fond of the natural mahogany finish. I do have Miniwax gunstock stain have like how that looks on mahogany. I think that , or something like it, with a few coats of clear lacquer would be my preference.

I could always paint them or stain them.

Then I could always get them wrapped by precision drum company. They did an amazing job on my other Slingerland kit. It is in Pink Glass Glitter and I love them....but it is a 16x13 bass drum. I think I might like the 18x14 better.

I also have a gretsch stop sign badge kit in natural finish with a 15x12 bass drum. That sounds awesome.

I hope people keep chiming in and if anyone has an idea on how to get the glue off these 60 year old drums I would love to hear it.

Posted on 3 years ago

Hi TK!

As previously mentioned, if your plan is to recover the set and flip them, you will most likely not even recoup your initial investment! The cost of quality wrap, not including the labor to install it, is quite expensive! If you plan to keep the set, then, by all means, do a professional rewrap!

Here are pictures of a Rogers set I sold about 15 years ago. I received it as a Londoner outfit, wrapped in Pink Strata. However, the wrap was seriously split all over every drum, with the exception being the pictured 12" tom. I was able to just peel off all the small pieces from each shell! I was still left with all the glue! I brought the shells to a friend who removed all the glue and even filled in the holes from the dual Swivo holder and re-drilled for a single Swivo mount.

I chose to sell the set as-is and let the next owner decide on a wrap. Even with the money I paid for the set and the small amount of labor to my friend, I sold the kit for a tidy profit! Having them professionally rewrapped and then selling them, I'm sure I would have lost $500 minimum!


Posted on 3 years ago

In the worst case, you can rub that glue off. It takes quite a bit of time but avoids any damage. You can do it while watching your favorite TV shows. It acts like rubber cement, but not quite as easy to remove. You can also use something like Goo-be-gone or Goof-off, but first you need to tape of all the holes from the inside - very tightly - or you will have runs of that stuff that will damage the interior finish. So be careful.

As to new wrap, take the Henry Ford approach - "....any color as long as it is black." Black always looks classic and black is the lowest cost wrap option. Not sure when/if Slingerland offered it, but it will look nice. I would not worry too much about resale value. Slingerlands don't command high prices in general, but the configuration you have is one that many drummers are interested in and the fact it has Swivomatic makes it even better. Those shells and the COB hoops make for a great sound. Wood and Weather has a natural set in those sizes right now. I use to own it. Paid about $700 for 10 years ago. It went through the Drum Farm and is now up for $1850. My guess is they will get that much. It is original in natural finish - 'M' stamped.

Good luck, and by all means enjoy it.

Posted on 3 years ago
Posts: 6288 Threads: 375

I've had good success removing glue residue using Xylene. Be sure to mask and glove-up and aerate your work space; quite strong. Tape all holes, it can damage interior finishes. I finish with mineral spirits and let air dry for a minimum of 24 hrs before proceeding with wrapping.

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Posted on 3 years ago

Thanks again for such great replies.

I got this set from wood and weather too. I "overpaid" because I knew the 18x14 is rare. I did NOT know about the beautiful natural wood bebop slingerland he has up now. If I did I might have got that instead.

Anyway I did sand and tried one coat of dark walnut stain. I dont think I like it...but I am just taking a breather for now. Meanwhile precision drum company is sending me samples of the following wraps.

Black Gloss (my least favorite)

Gray Glass Glitter

Silver Sparkle

Mediterranean Pearl(wild baby)

Turquoise Oyster

White Oyster

Antique White Marine Pearl

Black gloss is boring. Yes timeless. Clean. But boring ��.

Im really loving their Antique Marine pearl.. a new rewrap on their instagram looks amazing and its 100% different from my pink glass glitter kit and my natural maple gretsch.

Here is how they look now. Im 96.7% going to re-wrap but as I said this color "might" grow on me.

And here is a photo of the pdc antique white marine pearl floor tom.

Posted on 3 years ago

Here are the photos

Posted on 3 years ago

One of my all-time favorite kits was jet black. I bought a jet black Dynasonic in CT on a Tuesday and the jet black 20, 12, 14 Headliner of the same 1968 era showed up in Texas on Thursday! Not boring at all in my view. Totally classic. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

On the shell stain, before you judge it off, try putting the 8x12 back together to have a really good look. That often is a great enhancement.

Posted on 3 years ago

Yes Dan great idea.

I was planning on that. After it dries. Black is cool. No doubt.

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Posted on 3 years ago

Summer is here. The drums have been sitting in my workshop since my last post. Decisionsn decisions. No rush.

Posted on 3 years ago
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