I am a long time musician and collector of anything & everything and could not pass up this snare drum at a local rummage sale. The badge on the side says ~Slingerland Quality Drums "FANCHER MODEL" Chicago ILL.USA~ You may view a pic of it at the following address...
It is pretty much intact. Has the original calfskin heads still on it, though they are both torn, and has the original snares on the bottom in good shape. It also has a tone ring inside, which from what I have learned from this site, dates it to 1928-1930. I am pretty sure that this is a fairly rare drum. Just wondrin' what the heck I should do with this. Should I think about restoring it? It looks like the hardware is (or was) all laquered brass ar one time. I can only imagine how fantastic this thing must have looked when it was all shiny and new! I did work in a local music store for 13 years, and was their drum and guitar tech, so I do have quite a bit of experience in the instrument repair field. Of course the end goal is to sell it, but just wondrin' if it is worth spending some time and effort to restore it.