Those shells are some of the nicest ever made by Slingerland. Really nice rerings. They should sound great. I am not a fan of the double tom mount but do like the single mount. I will use the mount to hold the mounted tom and set up as a 4 piece , or one up two down. Luckily all four bass Spurs were with mine, but since I don't mount all the toms on the bass, I just use the first two Spurs and a bass drum ancor. You can get aluminum rods at Lowes you can cut to size and put rubber tips on. No one would notice it in the back Spur mount.
Thanks, vibes! Like you, I don't like the vintage mounts, and I don't like the thought of all that weight on the bass drum.
Originally I was planning on restoring this set and reselling it, but... NO WAY! I like it too much, and I've always wanted one, so I'm keeping it. I still plan to find a matching snare and vintage hardware, but I'm also looking at making the set playable for me without drilling or cutting.
I've ordered Gauger RIMS mounts for my 12" and 13" toms with a PDP tom stand, and I'll set them to the left of the bass. I'll set the 14" on a snare stand as a second floor tom. For daily playing I like PDP hardware, but I'll continue to pick up vintage Slingerland hardware as I find it.
Hopefully I'll be playing this set in a week or so!