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Seems like a good deal?

70s Slingy WMP
70s Ludwig Standard Aqua Mist
60s Ludwig Champagne Sparkle Downbeat
and a whole bunch of snares and hardware
Posted on 2 years ago
Posts: 891 Threads: 26

almost too good are you close to it?

(guess so; missed reading;

Looks like a Pro Beat

.................................................. ......Joe
Posted on 2 years ago
Posts: 510 Threads: 193

Yep, 15 minutes away, I'll let you know.

70s Slingy WMP
70s Ludwig Standard Aqua Mist
60s Ludwig Champagne Sparkle Downbeat
and a whole bunch of snares and hardware
Posted on 2 years ago

That's already a very good deal, but if you don't need the lower-end Paiste 404 cymbals, you might be able to negotiate a lower price for just the drums.

It looks like there's some wrap separation on the 13" tom, and some tape residue or other discoloration on the smaller floor tom. Then again, the Supraphonic snare appears to be in good shape and those seem to be going in the $250-$300 neighborhood.

He'd probably be able to get more than the discount if he sold the cymbals separately ... although you could, too, so never mind—if the drums are in good shape otherwise, get away with them as soon as you can.

Good luck!

9x Slingerland New Rock 50N 12-13-16-22 with 170 (Super S-O-M) holder
• 1979 Oak
• 1978 Blakrome + 6.5x14 TDR SD
• 1977 Black Diamond Pearl + 5x14 SD (gold badge, Rapid strainer)
• 1976 Black Cordova
• 1975 Silver Sparkle + 5x14 SD (Rapid strainer)
• 1974 Chrome + 5x14 COB TDR and 6.5x14 COW Zoomatic SDs
• 1973 Purple Sparkle
• 1973 Phantom (clear)
• 1971 Walnut (gold badges) + 5x14 TDR SD
1x Rogers Powertone Londoner V 12-13-16-22
• 1972 Butcher Block + 1979 big R Dynasonic SD
Posted on 2 years ago
Posts: 1460 Threads: 87

2 different badges on the floor toms. Not sure when the change over occurred.

Posted on 2 years ago
Posts: 510 Threads: 193

$500 was the price so I'm obviously happy and got everything. 1 rack and 1 floor Tom with Keystone badges are matched. Bass with Keystone badge has higher serial number. Snare and 2 other toms are unmatched pointy Blue/Olive badges.

Some seem lifting and separation but othewise hardly any pitting or rust and should up nicely.

Thanks for the input.

70s Slingy WMP
70s Ludwig Standard Aqua Mist
60s Ludwig Champagne Sparkle Downbeat
and a whole bunch of snares and hardware
Posted on 2 years ago
Posts: 891 Threads: 26

what the sizes; Bass is 22/ or 24? 13/14/16/18?

.................................................. ......Joe
Posted on 2 years ago
Posts: 510 Threads: 193

13, 14, 16, 18 and 22. Also got Paiste 404 20 ride, 16 crash and hi hat cymbals along with cheap stands and pedal.

70s Slingy WMP
70s Ludwig Standard Aqua Mist
60s Ludwig Champagne Sparkle Downbeat
and a whole bunch of snares and hardware
Posted on 2 years ago

Great deal!

'23 DW Collector's, Black Galaxy: 13/16/18/22/14 sn.
'01 DW Collector's, Oyster White: 8/10/12/14/16/22.
'24 DW Performance, Gold Sparkle, 12/14/20.
'59-ish Slingerland Pink Sparkle, 13/16/22.

'72 Slingerland Red Tiger Pearl: 13/16/16/22.

'70ish Slingerland Merlot Sparkle rewrap: 13/16/24.

'70-ish Slingerland Green Oyster rewrap: 13/18/24.

'69 Rogers Holiday, Red Onyx: 13/16/24
'67 Ludwig Burgundy Sparkle: 12/13/16/22.
'70-ish Ludwig Std, Burgundy Oyster: 13/16/22.
'69-ish MIJ Drum Mate: Peacock Pearl: 13/16/22.
'67-ish MIJ Crown, Red Sparkle, 12/13/16/22.

'67-ish,. MIJ Drum Mate, Blue Oyster, 12/13/16/22.



Posted on 2 years ago
Posts: 891 Threads: 26

an 80s Tama bd pedal; looks functional

as do the hi hat and other stands +/-

.................................................. ......Joe
Posted on 2 years ago
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