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Rogers set missing some tags?


Hey guys,

I'm interested in this Rogers set. Talking to the owner, the 20" bass drum has a Cleveland tag with serial number 19426 and "Powertone" crossed out and "Holiday" written on it. The 16" floor tom has a Fullerton tag serial number 26972 with "Holiday" on it. The 12" and 13" toms are missing their tags. I'm second in line to take a look so unfortunately I might not even get to them. If the first guy passes, should the missing tom tags give me pause? Anything to look for there? The guy selling says the flat grey paint matches the other drums perfectly so doesn't think they were refinished and the tags lost in the process but he said he can't say for sure. The COB Dynasonic serial number is 20678.

It looks like an awesome kit. I think the kit could be all original to each other but not sure with the tag situation. I've read plenty of threads of mixed tags on the sets of this era so probably nothing to be concerned about but I'm no expert and figured I'd ask.



Posted on 7 years ago

Forgot to attach a picture.

Posted on 7 years ago

The Fullerton tag drum will have speckled gray interior. Internal fasteners should be hex head, with star washers. I believe the Cleveland drum might also have the same. That would make this a 1969 era set. 1070 at the latest. If the Cleveland tag drum has flat gray interior, and slotted round head internal fasteners... this is a set of orphans and you should look for signs of a rewrap. Depending on the internal features of the untagged drums, an estimate can be made for build.

Rogers Drums Big R era 1975-1984 Dating Guide.
Posted on 7 years ago

Thanks Ploughman!

Here are the rest of the photos I have.

The gentleman said the paint on the inside of the toms matched the floor tom which is the Fullerton tag. He said if it was repainted, it must have been done by a professional.



Posted on 7 years ago

I've never dealt with rewrapped drums. If I go look at these, are there obvious signs I am looking for? Should the seam be under lugs, so many lugs from the badge, should the wrap look a certain way under the rim, etc?

I also wouldn't know if the color would be correct and the correct type of sparkle for an original wrap. The gentleman said it is champagne sparkle.



Posted on 7 years ago

Okay, now that we see the interiors, it's possible that this mixture of Dayton and Fullerton could be a factory original set. So the bass is a late Dayton (not a Cleveland as originally described), and the FT is an early Fullerton. And the interior finish is speckled, not flat gray as originally described. No repainting evident as both the Dayton and Fullerton era's had speckled interiors. No evidence that this is a rewrap without being able to examine the seams (check the FT...the seam should be under the lugs just to the right of the tone control). And Champagne Sparkle was available for both the late Dayton and early Fullerton period.

Too bad the bass was redrilled for that non-Rogers mount, but otherwise, this could well be a factory original set. Let us know if you get a chance to examine and/or buy them.


-No Guru... still learning more every day-
Posted on 7 years ago

From mchair303

Okay, now that we see the interiors, it's possible that this mixture of Dayton and Fullerton could be a factory original set. So the bass is a late Dayton (not a Cleveland as originally described), and the FT is an early Fullerton. And the interior finish is speckled, not flat gray as originally described. No repainting evident as both the Dayton and Fullerton era's had speckled interiors. No evidence that this is a rewrap without being able to examine the seams (check the FT...the seam should be under the lugs just to the right of the tone control). And Champagne Sparkle was available for both the late Dayton and early Fullerton period.Too bad the bass was redrilled for that non-Rogers mount, but otherwise, this could well be a factory original set. Let us know if you get a chance to examine and/or buy them.Mike

Sorry for the confusion. Was late when posting last night!

By non-Rogers mount on the bass drum are talking the cymbal mount?



Posted on 7 years ago

From gunnellett

By non-Rogers mount on the bass drum are talking the cymbal mount?Thanks,Wes

Yes. That L-arm cymbal mount is not Rogers...

[Attachment: 114951]

The stock Rogers cymbal mount for an L-arm would have been a similar type of round "Knobby" mount used for the FT legs...

[Attachment: 114952]


2 attachments
-No Guru... still learning more every day-
Posted on 7 years ago

Thanks for info on the cymbal mount Mike!

Posted on 7 years ago

Dayton/Fullerton as they look.... 69/70

Rogers Drums Big R era 1975-1984 Dating Guide.
Posted on 7 years ago
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