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Rogers Logo Decal


I noted in the post regarding my 1967 Rogers black strata set that I was going to get a less aggressive logo for the bass drum head. I went to eBay to get a decal, where I usually get them, and low and behold nobody is offering them. They are all die cut now. Does anyone know where to get the kind that remain one piece and you lay the entire film on the head?


Posted on 6 years ago

Pretty sure you can print on decal paper with an inkjet printer & make your own. Others would know more....marko

Posted on 6 years ago


Just curious, buy why the preference for the decals? I've been using the die-cut logos for a while because they age better. As the decals age, the clear film in between the letters starts to yellow and becomes noticeable. With the die-cuts, you have nothing but the actual letters on the head; no clear film outline. I put the die-cuts on my Louis Bellson-type setup. They look as good as the original Rogers logo on my 10-pc Fullerton set.

[Attachment: 118146]


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-No Guru... still learning more every day-
Posted on 6 years ago

Hi Dan!

I'm also a big fan of the die-cut logos. With decals, the clear portion will eventually yellow. Here are pictures of my 1966 Headliner with a die-cut logo, applied to a Remo Smooth White head. I chose Smooth White, as it made it very easy to remove the "Remo" logo. Just use some Acetone.


Posted on 6 years ago

Mike and Mark. I have a die cut set on a smooth head that you saw on the black strata Headliner recently. But they they project out from the surface of the head quite a bit. Too thick really. Are yours as thin as the old decal type? Which was originally used in the mid-60's?

Posted on 6 years ago

From Dan Boucher

Mike and Mark. I have a die cut set on a smooth head that you saw on the black strata Headliner recently. But they they project out from the surface of the head quite a bit. Too thick really. Are yours as thin as the old decal type? Which was originally used in the mid-60's?

Hi Dan,

I just looked at the decal on my Headliner kit and would positively say that it is just as thin as a decal! It may really depend on the material the seller uses to produce the logo. I'll see if I can find out who I purchased my logo from.


Posted on 6 years ago


I found this seller on eBay who offers a nice repro logo that appears to be exactly like mine...

Also, just looked through my Rogers parts and found an actual Rogers DECAL of the same proportions. Still looks great! PM if you're interested in it.


Posted on 6 years ago
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