I recently purchased a vintage Ludwig Speed Master (the red version) online. Somehow the seller managed to misplace the hook that attaches the spring to the axle (since it was present in the online photos but not when it arrived to me). That, or it fell out of the box during shipping. This is quite possible due to the shape of the original hook which doesn't close fully at either end which would have prevented it from being lost when the pedal was in the folded position. I realize that many pedals have used this type of hook over the years but this pedal was all original when I bought it and I would like to return it to original if possible. The things that strike me as different about this hook are that it is open on either end and that it appears to be made of thicker stock than one from any other pedal I've owned. So...
I am looking to make a replacement of the hook that attaches the spring to the axle "pulley" from a Ludwig Speed Master. Ludwig may have used this exact hook on other pedals over the years. So I am posting the best cropped images I could get from the original online images of my pedal with the spring intact for reference.
If anyone has an all original Speed Master that they could remove the hook and take a clear straight on photo and post the pic along with the height and width of the hook, I could look for a steel rod to bend my own replacement.