There's absolutely nothing visually unattractive about your drum; looks appropriately worn and used. However, it's yours, and you should do what you wish.
I suggest, before you go full-strip, to give Howard's Restor-A-Finish/Feed'n'Wax combo a try. This product is used for tables that may have water rings and slight marring etc, but doesn't warrant a full bare-wood restoration. I used it on a set of M-stamp Singerlands a couple of years ago,with excellent results. Those drums had been left near a window untouched for years, so certain panels were sun-drenched, yet the others were aged appropriately. The Howard's product slightly melds the old finish in with the new. I simply wiped it in; it suggests you can can apply with fine steel wool to even out nicks like your shell is showing. I got it at Lowes.