Greetings All.
Dilemma on my hands.
Scored a '72 Fullerton Rogers 3-piece from the
window of a sheet music store. 12, 16, 22 with
original spurs, FT legs and 1/2 a Swivo mount.
Original Korina finish, 13" sold 'cause he didn't
use it, no cases and a veteran of 100's of Polka
dances and Ice Cream socials.
Fun Story, the original owner sold it as is and
man, it just warmed the heart...
This is a choice restoration kit.
Don't really want it, couldn't let it pass and certainly
gives rise to the question of "Now What?"
Offer up at less than market to a happy home, polish and play
( my personal choice, not an option @ this time ) or part
it out?
No pics yet, be assured the description is all U should
need for the moment...