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question on Ludwig Standard



here are a photos of Emry Thomas

he's playing a Ludwig set with classic lugs and a Standard wrap (the Ludwig "satin flame" Astro wrap was on Standard series only).

the badge seems to be missing.

is possible a Ludwig Standard set with CLASSIC LUGS? 8 lugs for 20 bass drums and 10 for 22 bass drums?

if yes, WHEN? never seen in 60's 70's catalogs 70's

and what interiors? white or granitone?

attached: Emry Thomas details, a Ludwig standard avocado finish, Standard Astro wrap

Posted on 3 years ago
Posts: 350 Threads: 33

He may have taken his older Ludwig kit (see BD Spurs and double tom mount) and had it re-wrapped,

1974-75 Rogers Starlighter IV New England White 13/16/22 (w/Dyna)
1964-67 Rogers Blue Glass Glitter 12/14/16/20
early Oaklawn Camco Blue Moire 12/14/20
1926 Super Ludwig 5x14
1960-ish Ludwig COB 5x14 Super Sensitive
1960-ish Ludwig COB 6.5x14 Super Sensitive
1970 Ludwig COB Cut-Badge 5x14 Supra Phonic

Looking for a Camco Aristocrat SD in Blue Moire!!
Posted on 3 years ago

a possibility, not so usual at thoose time. and Ludwig Standard with classic lugs existed

Posted on 3 years ago

My 2 cents, Those drums are Ludwig Hollywood, rewrapped in regular Satin Flame. Ludwig Astro Wrap has a tighter pattern than Satin Flame or Moire Wrap. Hope it helps. Round Badge

Posted on 3 years ago

yes but not Hollywood set. the bd is 20

Posted on 3 years ago

Good eye, I just used the Hollywood as a model type. Back then you could order whatever sizes and configurations through company reps or larger dealers. All the working pros had mods done to their sets. To make their distinctive look or sound. Hope it helps. Round Badge

Posted on 3 years ago
Posts: 5176 Threads: 188

From hipercussion

a possibility, not so usual at thoose time. and Ludwig Standard with classic lugs existed

This. Standards have been known to sport Classic lugs. A friend of mine had Ruby Strata kit with Classic lugs.

"God is dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Posted on 3 years ago

considering: 1) the wrap was not Astro, with a more regular pattern 2) the set 12 13 16 20, was not offere in catalogs, so easier the drums were oddities 3) looking 12 and 13, they have classic lugs of different size, normal for Ludwig 60's, not for standard they didn't fitted with different classic lugs... more rewrapped then standard with classi lugs in this case. possible to see your friend's set?

Posted on 3 years ago
Posts: 5176 Threads: 188

I wish I could see that set again. It was back in the mid 70's and he traded them in for a brand new Blue Vistalite kit. I haven't kept in touch with him. I vaguely remember the interiors of that Ruby Strata kit were white. I think it was an early Standard kit and they just used Classic lugs and shells with white interiors...Now, as to the 12" tom and whether or not it had the smaller Classic lugs....I can't remember.

"God is dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Posted on 3 years ago

I'll add more to this, Ludwig 12 inch toms had small luge and 13 inch had large lugs. As for the double and single (standard) tom mount. Nothing unusal here. I used a Slingerland 70's Rock and Roll outfit with a double tom holder. Then a Single Tom arm intermitently. Gave me a whole different bunch of setups as 22-12-13-16 or 22-12- 16 or 22-13- 16 whatever floated the boat at the time. Hope this helps. Round Badge

Posted on 3 years ago
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