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Please help identify this Rail Mount!


Forum Brothers:

Can someone positively identify this rail mount.?


1)The rail and base fit a Gretsch RB bass drum perfectly.

2) The "wheel" with the holes spins left and right rather than being welded to the post. Never seen a Gretsch mount like this.

3) The rail has two screws on TOP of it to attach to the bracket, rather than two screws on the end, which is most of the Gretsch brackets I have seen.

Is this really a Gretsch mount or just an incredible copy?

Many thanks!!


Posted on 3 years ago
Posts: 2010 Threads: 19

You're missing a carriage bolt that holds the telephone dial in place. Goes through that square hole in the upright and through the center hole of the dial. When you tighten it the pin in one of the outer holes holds the angle and then a similar pin in the clamp that holds the spade arm is held by another hole. seems like you're missing some parts.

Whether it's genuine W & A (who made most of the Gretsch hardware) or a copy is hard to say.

Posted on 3 years ago

I agree with what K.O. says! Also, my educated guess is that this is an MIJ copy!


Posted on 3 years ago
Posts: 2753 Threads: 132

My experienced guess is that the original W&A tom mount had some parts from one or more other mounts (anyone's guess as to what brands) kluged together to make the thing work again. Over the years, I've had to do this for rail mounts, cymbal stands,hi-hat stands, and bass drum pedals. If the replacement parts were not original brand, I never bothered to note what brands they were. If they worked---they worked.

No matter how far you push the envelope, it is still stationery.
Posted on 3 years ago

Thanks guys.

Posted on 3 years ago

I found some pictures of this mount on 60's MIJ drums, an Apollo and a Stewart. The style of rail mount look like those provided by the OP.


Posted on 3 years ago

idrum: Thank you for taking the time to post those pictures. Those certainly look like mine. I am convinced mine is a MIJ copy of the Gretsch. pretty good copy tho!! The crazy thing is that it fits the gretsch hole spacing perfectly and that the post looks EXACTLY like the Gretsch!

Posted on 3 years ago
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