Those of you that saw the review I wrote on Compactdrums on the Odery CafeKit will know I really like it. It's definitely a keeper for the long term.... Which of course means it merits personalization to make it my own.
In a nutshell:
I added an 8" tom. I just happened to have a 7-ply basswood 8". I cut it down to a bit shallower than the 10".
The 12" floor tom that used to be mounted from the bass drum donated it's bracket and mount to the new 8" and now sits in a snare basket.
Without the floor tom mounted from the bass drum, the bass drum no longer needs four spurs so I could remove those brackets as well as the one the floor tom attached to.
Wrapped it all up in Walopus "Pearl of Dreams" with an added inlay strip of Gold and Abalone.
[Attachment: 108693]