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Nikkan (Nippon Gakki) Blue Sparkle Snare Photos - any info would be appreciated.


Hi. Here is a snare which has come into my life. Can anyone here tell me anything about it? Thank you. :)

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Posted on 14 years ago

Two more photos...

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Posted on 14 years ago
Posts: 2433 Threads: 483

Very beautiful..very Zimgar-ish...

Hit like you mean it!!
Posted on 14 years ago

Just pre-Yamaha. I mean Just! They started building modern drums in 1967 as Yamaha. Ask Osakabop, he will have a better timeline.

"Ignorance may be overcome through education. Stupidity, however, is a lifelong endeavor." So, educate me, I don't likes bein' ignant...
"I enjoy restoring 60s Japanese "stencil" drums...I can actually afford them..."I rescue the worst of the old valueless drums for disadvantaged Children and gladly accept donations of parts, pieces and orphans, No cockroaches, please...
Posted on 14 years ago

Jonni's right on

Nikkan was a drum manufacturer based near Tokyo in the 50s and early/mid 60s. Yamaha had no drum manufacturing dept. and aquired them. I don`t know exactly but it seems that happened around 1967. I have a 1964 Nikkan snare with a similar shell construction.

In the current market this snare is worth only about 100$ -125$ cash but very valuable in it`s richness in history and uniqueness. It looks to be in A+ cond. congrats!

For info. & live schedule:
*Odery Drums Japan endorser/ representative
*Japan Distributor of Vruk DrumMaster pedals
*D'Addario Japan Evans/Promark/Puresound
*Amedia Cymbals Japan

It's the journey not the destination.
Posted on 14 years ago

Awesome, thanks very much for all the info you guys.

If you figure this is something special that belongs in the hands of a collector, let me know and I'll make sure it gets passed on inexpensively to a collector.

P.S. Osakabop, many thanks. One small follow up please; is it maple? Thank you. :)

Posted on 14 years ago

This is a 3 ply mahogany shell with some unknown soft white wood for the hoops. The tone is rich and deep, hard to get it to tune really high and tight. You should keep this as your first "collectible" player. These Nippons are really very hard to come by. There are not too many of us that collect these oddities, so it won't hurt the world wide market for one to stay in the wild...Good luck, and if you need any tips on tuning and head selection, let us know.

"Ignorance may be overcome through education. Stupidity, however, is a lifelong endeavor." So, educate me, I don't likes bein' ignant...
"I enjoy restoring 60s Japanese "stencil" drums...I can actually afford them..."I rescue the worst of the old valueless drums for disadvantaged Children and gladly accept donations of parts, pieces and orphans, No cockroaches, please...
Posted on 14 years ago

Thank you Jonni. Cheers!Bowing

Posted on 14 years ago

And the final chapter on this...

Today I sold this snare drum /w stand for $100 CDN to a young lady who, not only owns a blue sparkle drum kit (what are the odds?), but was clearly in love with it. The snare now has a much better home where it is properly appreciated. Excellent karma behind this sale, she really loves that drum, it was meant to be with her. flower

Posted on 14 years ago

This has nothing to do with Yamaha. The drum was made by Sakae. So this Nikkan was a simple stencil branded drum.

Posted on 3 years ago
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