I've had this strange little 14" sitting around for quite a while and never knew what to make of it. My only guess is that it was made in the Carlton factory, hence the same badge. Funny that both finds are "Capri"On another note, locally someone is selling an old Raven kit that I can probably grab for $100. Might be alright for the 7 year old to beat on as his second set http://www.kijiji.ca/v-drum-percussion/trenton-on/vintage-drum-set/1053694829?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true
That would be a good grab. That is a STAR kit and will be a good sounding kit. Also comes with snare - I would snag that up quick.
That ride cymbal is a Camber - might sound good, might not - made in Germany anytime between 50s and 70s.
....and BTW - the Dodge reference was metaphorical - as in the 3rd competing company, the one with the least market share, yet one of the big 3 (in this case of Japan at the time). Also, I do NOT believe yours is a Star, and thus is not 'pre-Tama')
Now, Mickey's observation is very significant, because if that is made by the same manufacturer as Crown, I believe that would make it a Pearl-made kit.
The red one - the Raven- on the other hand is a Star-made kit - for sure.