I performed a search and didn't see anything related to my question, so here it is; Most restorers use an adhesive to install wrap on a drum and others use the tape method. It seems that 3M is the most popular adhesive used and is applied to both the wrap and the shell. My question is based on using adhesive and the method everyone uses to ensure that the wrap is as tight and air-free as possible (no air pockets between the shell and the wrap itself) essentially making the wrap another ply of the shell. The method I've seen is to apply the adhesive and let it dry, and then to apply the wrap on to the shell by rolling it as you go along and finish it up with the usual trimming, drilling, and remounting the lugs. Does anybody here use additional compression to squeeze the wrap tightly onto the shell, like between two sets of rollers that can be adjusted for the gap? If so, could you share your setup?
Also, while I'm at it, would using high-bond tape wrap have any advantages over adhesive besides it's relative ease of removal if necessary?