Hello, I have a Ludwig 8x12 Oyster Black Pearl tom Keystone badge .serial #272750 . No date stamped inside. 14x14 Marine White Pearl Tom Keystone badge Nickle hardware ( but has new chrome hoops. ) When I got this drum it only had one hoop with it that was in horrible condition but the drum was fine. Serial #272822. Looking to trade for a 16x16 Camco Floor tom ( 16 round lugs )Would like wood finish but any will do. Or a 14x14 Gretsch Floor tom. Also wood finish , any color, but a covered drum would also work . Of course no Reknown Maples or Catalinas. I love these drums but I never had a Ludwig bass drum to go with them.I have a full set of Camcos 14x20, 8x12, 14x14. Would like to add a 16 if posssible. Have gretsch 16x18, 8x10.9x13,16x16. So would like to add a 14 floor tom. Thank You, Larry