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Ludwig 18 Bass drum


I bought an 18 Ludwig bass drum that just arrived and it all looks correct but the shell although very good doesn't look like Ludwig shells I recognise. What do people think?

Posted on 2 years ago
Posts: 5550 Threads: 576

That’s right for early 70’s

April 2nd 1969 scarfed pink champagne holly wood and 65/66 downbeat snare, and , supra same year very minty kit old pies
66/67 downbeat with canister
Super 400 small round knob
1967 super classic obp

once the brass ceases to glitter, and the drum looses its luster, and the stage remains dark, all you have left is the timbre of family.
Posted on 1 year ago
Posts: 5176 Threads: 188

I disagree. I don't know what that is. I've never seen a shell like that before...Keller, maybe? The bass drum spurs are relatively modern and don't look like they are replaced. The grommet doesn't even look like it was completely installed. VERY suspicious! When it comes to 18" Ludwig bass drums (especially 18 X 12s -yours looks to be 18 X 14 unless my eyes deceive me...and that would have been incorrect for a B/O pointy badge era drum), all kinds of red lights and civil defense sirens go off almost every time.

I don't know what you have there. I would be interested to see more pictures, though.

"God is dead." -Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead." -God
Posted on 1 year ago

Definitely not a Ludwig shell. Ludwig has never done plied re-rings. I would say it's a Keller shell since that is the most widely available aftermarket shell. At least it was a few years ago.

You can also see that the grommet is for a thicker shell and hasn't been crimped over on the inside.

It's got a pointy badge so those spurs are not correct either.

Posted on 1 year ago
Posts: 5550 Threads: 576

My bad sorry

April 2nd 1969 scarfed pink champagne holly wood and 65/66 downbeat snare, and , supra same year very minty kit old pies
66/67 downbeat with canister
Super 400 small round knob
1967 super classic obp

once the brass ceases to glitter, and the drum looses its luster, and the stage remains dark, all you have left is the timbre of family.
Posted on 1 year ago

+1 with thin shell (plied re-rings is just wrong). May just be the picture, or my eyes, but the WMP wrap looks suspect too.

Posted on 1 year ago

Thanks all. Does the shell look maple or birch? Are the spurs Lugwig? Albeit of a different era.

Posted on 1 year ago

It's hard to tell on the wood species in your pictures. Some new pictures taken more parallel to the interior of the shell would help.

The spurs look like Ludwig spurs that they have been using for the past 10 to 15 years.

Posted on 1 year ago
Posts: 617 Threads: 7

Well, the wrap doesn't appear to be Ludwig. Shell interior doesn't look correct either.

Posted on 1 year ago

Thanks all. That's very helpful. trying to return the drum to seller now.

Posted on 1 year ago
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