Hey All- It's time to start cleaning things out, and I have lots of Ludwig items for sale. Included are an Orange Mod B & O badge kit (13, 16, 22), Blue Vistalite 6 & 8 on a stand, 10 & 12 on a stand, 15 Blue Vistalite tom, 22 Blue Vistalite kick drum; 12, 13, 16, 22 Stainless, and a few other things (some Lud, some new Yamaha kits). I have pictures and will be happy to send and discuss pricing. I have ideas on what I want for things, but not totally sure what the going rate on some of this stuff is, so we can figure it all out as we go. Please email me at [email]bigdrumtuner@gmail.com[/email]. Really don't want to eBay any of it (but I do have 100% feedback with 450 auctions), so I'm posting here. Thanks! Mark