Hi Guys:
I need four Ludwig lugs for my Ludwig School Festival. Date stamp is Sept 1 1967. I imagine that most of you will know what I am talking about when I say that I am looking for a particular generation of the small lug. These are clearly (at least to me) not the same as the small lug used during the Blue and Olive era, and they differ slightly from late 1950s (?to early 1960s) Keystone era.
There first photo shows the drum with some of the lugs.
The second photo shows an up-close profile of the lug I need. The overall length is just under 2 inches, perhaps 1-7/8. There's a lip at the top near the retaining nut that sits against the shell. This lip is almost a quarter inch long. Note that the retaining nut does not extend much past the casing. Apparently there are folks that don't understand the different between this lug and the other variations, and they have wasted my time with lugs that at first glance seem the same, but are not.
I'm hoping that you guys (and gals) on VDF are smarter than your average drummer-bears and can see the difference. If you have four of these exact lugs in COMPLETE, very good (or better) condition, little or no pitting, no rust please contact me. I do not need the mounting screws. If necessary I can email higher-res versions of my photos to you, and I will ask that you send me photos of the ones you are selling.
Sorry if I sound like Mr. Crankypants but I've tried several times to get the right replacements without luck.