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Leedy Snare ???


Can someone help me identify this snare. I believe it's a Leedy student model but can't find any manufacturers name on it.


Bill Drum

No really, That's my real name


Posted on 19 years ago

That looks like a Leedy Uitility model snare drum. Here is a scan from the 1933 catalog. At that price I'll take 10!!

In regards to the exact year I have no idea. There are experts in the business that could possibly give a closer date of the drum.


Posted on 19 years ago

Take a look at the flip down lever of the strainer...It should say "Leedy Indianapolis"...most of the time it's upside down...

Mike Curotto Keep on Pl

Posted on 19 years ago

The drum in the catalog looks pretty much like my drum except mine has round slotted logs that uses a flat drum key which I have. As for a nahe on the strainer release, there is none.

The shell is in fact brass as are all the lugs and tension rods.

Any other thoughts are appreciated. If not it will continue to hang on the wall in the music room.

I've also got a cool Leedy bass drum pedal that I will need some help dating. I'll post that when I get a chance.

Thanks for the replis.

Bill D

Posted on 19 years ago
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