
Further to my recent acquisition of a '38 Broadway, I'm trying to track down the missing parts of my 4-point throw (pictured). Been in touch with AK drums in Italy and Adrian advised that he simply doesn't have the time to make parts anymore. Incredibly, the nice people at Coopers Drums do actually have a complete throw mechanism but understandably (they advise that mine is apparently the rarest of all the Leedy throws) it is prohibitively expensive.

As a means of getting the drum at least operational, I was therefore wondering whether the knob-adjuster and slide plate from the reproduction 3-point throw available on Ebay could be used on mine, maybe with some adaptation. I guess the alternative would be to get the parts made up in a local machine shop and to that end, if anyone out there has one of these throws, it would be really useful to get some of the key dimensions of the components (plate thickness, width, height etc) so I could draw up a template for them to work from.

Any other thoughts would be appreciated. Elsewhere the restoration of the drum including the re-application of the Duco paint is going well and I'll put up some photos shortly.