Hey Guys,
I'm thinking about working on learning how to use brushes and need a little help on where to start.
I'm looking for a website or two and a few youtube demonstrations to get me started.
I'm looking for info for a beginner. Things like:
[*]What to look for in choosing a snare to set up for brushes
[*]what to look for in heads along with suggestions
[*]tunings for playing with brushes
[*]Types of brushes discussing things like adjustable vs fixed, wood vs rubber, wire material and diameters, etc.
[*]What to look for with snare wires
[*]a couple of beginer techniques that can be fairly broadly used or a technique or two each for different types of music.
I plan on setting up a snare dedicated to brushes
I'm in a band playing mostly classic and blues rock but would like to broaden my skills to different types of music.